The Relationship of Youth and Politics

Good Morning Everyone !!!

Just before I start up with my topic, “The Relationship Of Youth & Politics” I want to ask a simple question from all of you.

How many of you are on facebook?

Ok! Quite a lot of you are and even though few of you are not admitting it but I can make out from your expressions. Actually maine bhi kal he join kiya hai.

There were days when the man was termed a social animal but nowadays all those definitions have been twisted. Man has become a social-networking-animal instead. So while accessing facebook yesterday I observed something that made me rethink about the contemporary politics. This thing I found common in almost all the profiles.

While signing up on facebook you have to fill in your details along with your political view. “Not interested in politics” and “It’s all crap” -are the standard sentences to fill that space.
Though the person may not have filled those details seriously but the problem is really very serious. Because our thoughts dominate our action.

This shows what is the attitude of youth towards politics & politicians. I am saying so because the people who use facebook are of course literate.

This is the reason why cunning politicians befool us by their luring manifesto and vote bank policy. It’s balanced, we are not interested in them and they are not interested in our welfare. We, the youth are losing our grip over politics as all of us believe that politics is just a game of poll and tactics.

Have you ever wondered why the graph of corruption has touched the crest and why the line of scams is increasing monotonously? Studies reveal that the youth in India bucks the global trend of declining interest in politics. We have made a mindset that it is almost impossible to detoxify the current scenario.

You know what is the image of a politician in our mind. Let me give you an example. We all remember the Anna Hazare movement and India Against Corruption. Right? The movement was a huge success because of youth. As soon as they decided to step into the dirty field of politics, people started criticizing them. This reflects what we think of politics in today’s time. Scammers have spoiled the beautiful image of a politician portrayed by leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose & Lal Bahadur Shashtri. It’s the modern politicians who are needed to be charged for sedition and not the talented painters like Aseem Trivedi.

Now many of you will be thinking how can I make a difference or bring a change? Well, I won’t say start contesting in elections nor am I asking you to campaign for a particular political party. What I want you to do is start discussing issues. Let’s start taking an interest in politics. Turning away is not really a solution to the problem.
As Baba Ramdev says, “Karne se he hoga.
Human develops an interest in things he talks about. You know…
“Baat karne se he baat banti hai.”

There is one more problem with youth nowadays – sheep-headed-ness. We blindly follow what we see or hear on news channel or from other sources but we don’t enroll our own thoughts into it. We need to get over this.
Aajkal itna to hai ki vote karne jana hai par kisko vote karein ye nahi pata.
We will be able to vote the right candidate if we start thinking logically. We need to get over this problem.

Let’s update this relationship status and get engaged in politics. Only you can do it because only have the access to settings of your profile.

Thank You.


  1. our so called youth doesn’t want any discussion about it . Even though they criticize it but they don’t know the depth of the issue …they only says ki sabhi politicians chore hai.” Usually during election as u have mentioned they just vote those whom their parents or their elders are supporting. Many time i have seen if some debate or discussion is on between the elders or in tv. either they switch it off the tv or they leave the discussion. here we are talking about the problem , where is the solution?? mind set or perception have to change. uploading photo graphs of leaders like lal bhadur shastri and people press like button wont work to change the present scenario , we must read want actually he believe in….only few ppl use facebook for such discussions.

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